The local train. An extraordinary culture. You look round and around. A story in the special technique adopted to combat the dreaded rush hour.
The indicator announces the arrival of the Virar Fast. You can see it from a distance as it ambles into the station. You scan the crowd that surrounds you. Mostly, it is to appraise what you are up against. You clutch your belongings as close to you as you can. You steel yourself with some more determination and await your compartment. All this while, you must manage to lookout for the train from the corner of your eye. As it approaches, a series of well practised moves are set into motion. A few steps in the direction of the train to help you gain momentum. A firm grip on one of the handle bars. A twist and and a turn – close to a wriggle. And a swift motion to hoist yourself up. A quick rush into the compartment. You have succeeded. A sense, like elation. Then, the train halts steadily. More and more commuters try to get in.
You smile indulgently.